For those who have heard #Metoo for the first time or have no clue about it, #Metoo is basically a movement against sexual harassment and assault. It became viral in October 2017 globally as a hashtag (on social media) to help demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual harassment and assault at workplace. The purpose of the movement is to help people come up and confidently vocal about if they have ever been harassed or assaulted.
After Millions of people started using this hashtag, it was translated into dozens of languages, reached majority of countries and cultures and once again people started generating different meaning of #Metoo, sometimes different or sometimes opposite of what the movement already started over. Recently it had a wave in Pakistan especially when Misha Shafi spoke about Ali Zafar under the hashtag #Metoo.
Several people gave different opinions over every #Metoo expression. Some supported them for being confident enough to finally be able to speak about it where as there were people who went totally against the expression and some chose to remain neutral. I was asked occasionally about my opinion as a person, as a female and then as a psychologist. Recently, while submitting my research proposal to my professor for Domestic Violence, i read several theories which shed light on this perspective. Then finally, Saad my dear young friend made sure i express my opinion about it. I, in the following article is not taking anyone's side but rather putting up different paradigms to view about the movement holistically around the globe.
Why the #Metoo movement spread like a wildfire globally?
#Metoo is deeply rooted with an explosive expression to "Stop it" (It: harassment/assault). Any explosive material may it be a linguistic expression is not supposed to remain silent or can not be silenced. The movement encouraged and activated the suppressed voices of sexually harassed or assaulted. Every #Metoo kept on strengthening its own platform as "someone telling story of someone". The expression expressed everything which did not actually include everything for instance the details of what happened, what could not or should have happened, conclusively hiding the other side of the coin.
It made #Metoo movement seems rather reckless, and seems not to go ahead till "me" become "we" and "too" become "twos" as #Wetwos- because wetwos gave the expression the intensity, making it evolving immensely. It took people like me in awe of its evolving power including its social aspect, existential aspect as well as political and ethical. Little bit of Sociology i studied and it took me back to feminism movement when it started. Shall we conclude #Metoo movement as progressive social movement or re-enabling the political abuse of power or unethical means of speaking, defending, attacking, counter attacking? There are people who are trying to stop the movement under the reason that its plainly irrational since it provides a room for simple bargaining or bullying their way out of problems.
And then my mind wanders over the question of its lasting duration and durability. The collectivism which is igniting every corner of the earth, how do we go about it? Supporting those who are expressive about their previously suppressed harassment or assault and contribute to the movement? And how to contribute to movement by being vocal ourself and stuffing words and words? Remember, when wave of terrorism hit us as aftermath of US-Afghan war how conscious we were and later on became so numb that if one part of the city has a suicide attack, the rest of the city goes about in its routine. What if stuffing words and words to this movement end up numbing us? What if this kind of contribution which is the only contribution i can see right now end up in putting fire out?
#Metoo as "Me" and "Too"?
The word "me" holds a one way perspective where it universally represents person in context and ignoring the environment. This structure of power which attempts to voice interpersonal injustice, intimate or impersonal, ranging from apparently debatable expression to simply shocking. Where as too in #Metoo is the affirmation supplementing a vocal position and associative identification. However, the question is rather simple why is it me and not I? If the movement targets which seems likely that it does target the self-awakening among the harassed and assaulted then where is the "I" that responds in them? The "I" of those who are genuine victims of abuse, rape and violence, where "Me" re-silence their nameless voices, which makes me wonder about this majority that still remain to chose silent actively or passively. Is it the duplicated minority which speaks in #Metoo as "me" and "I" demands an attention to such "darker" sides of another "me".
The Hollywood and The other Media Stars
When Ashley Judd, Jennifer Lawrence and now Misha Shafi (and the rest thousand others) spoke up, I had few questions myself. What accounts for sexual difference? what a sexual relationship is? what do two people do with one another behind closed doors? If for instance, Sigmund Freud is right that search for origins of these questions will end up in the middle of sexual research with nothing but grief then, answer to these questions is basically a ladder of grief, with more grief when it comes to sexual violation. Freud in his attempt to answer these questions concludes that every sexual violation which shock us, and in an attempt to know more about it: we give ourselves the space to have the answer on its own, in our own time, in our lives where we ourselves play with wishes and encounter our own selfishly pleasant desires. If we relate selfish pleasant desires of violation and power to this #Metoo movement, it haunts me to the fact that there might be people bullying the other in an attempt to escape their problems, abusing power of their own gender-commonality.
The powerful figures of media may it be artists, singers, actors, actresses, news anchor, hosts etc who spoke under #Metoo movement lead me to another question of sexual violation. It is the media, It is the stage, it is the theatre itself where we get first exposure of the body, of sexual passion, and tell the tales of infatuation and love between men and women. This media becomes more alive, and gets even more rating with the intensity/frequency of the exposed/nudity, forces the response #Metoo, to something we had already joined ourselves to, unwittingly a long time ago.
May it be morning shows, or a season or a hyped news, all we get is the powerful and painful irony that the media we have subjected to the greatest unveiling, whom we believe we deserve full access to with the crush and harassment or the curse and their taste for invasive rumor, gossip or scandal-Was he cheating on her? Is she raped? Is she pregnant? Are they getting back again? they're definitely not like us? or are they like us?--- This sends the painful reality back to us. This comes from the mouth of those anchor person, hosts or actor/actress who's job is to deceive us because ain't their job a drama? or ain't theatre a drama? The answer to the sexual violation isn't the answer, whatever answer we derive is about the failure of answer which made... Media industry the media industry.
Psychoanalysis (Sigmund Frued) focuses on a world of fantasy that acts as a supplement. The pervasiveness of failure to answer sexual violation highlighted by #Metoo movement as a psychic failure, at the root of anxiety that fuels the backlash that imagines this will be the ruin of men or relationships; the recent suicides of some known men like Robin Williams trends now towards gender segregation? Are not man in ruins too? revolution at what cost? if men are already in ruins, that is where we begin, we not as a me and metoo minus them?
The movement is about the whole of the difficulties surrounding sex and sexual differences. It is about the problems of power and power differentials when it comes to any relationship. It's about the dimension of life that invades sexuality and psychology about it and how it deforms, damages them beyond recognition. It is about the most primitive link that can be formed between bodies, voices, between people at differing levels of power and authority along with numerous categories of social identities, social injustices and social inequalities.
#MeToo moment in my perspective is a moment for both men and women but mostly women are using this hashtag as women faces it more. #Metoo moment is not as useful from my point of view because some people are taking an advantage of it and bullying and blackmailing innocents who has their own private misconceptions. #Metoo moment started because people were afraid of sharing their sexual harassments on media or any where and they could openly talk about their acts but if the mindset was changed and people were not afraid of sharing and complain about their harrasments then this #Metoo moment would never be started. #Metoo moment is not a good thing as it is all about sexual harrasments and acts which should not happen on any cost. The people who are into these horrible action should be properly punished and showed to the world so that no one would dare to do such actions.Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI see your perspective Mustafa and i a glad you had courage to say it loud enough. ofcourse it started with gender inequality and their rights but recently we have seen how controversial it got, to which i'd say justice for everyone! :)
Delete#Metoo according to my perspective is basically raising a voice, which is suppressed by this conservative society which makes a individual to speak up. Is this all? I am not against the movement "Metoo" but only raising voice and telling your story publicly will grant you Justice? Does this #Metoo assure that the people with illegitimate motives will be punished. I just want that any movement like #Metoo should be established but making those evil minded people to place they deserve to be.
ReplyDeleteI understand what you're saying. we need laws and justice for a better sense to prevail. :)
Delete#Metoo is the moment which is a great platform for the people who have been abused by their seniors or by the influential people, but now a days celebrities are using it for media attention or for false allegations against the reputed people. Because of these kind of attempt. This moment is now controversial among the people. Which lead injustice to the real victim . People see him/her doubtfully. According to me people should use it as a platform, which provide justice to the victims but should not creat difficulties for them.
ReplyDeleteProvided that the controversial judicial system we have, no doubt this movement itself became controversial to the point that we dont know who's the victim. i agree with you.
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ReplyDeleteIf a girl is harassed by her boss , her livelihood depends on him. She needs lot of courage to report that. And one day when she leaves the job or gathers courage to report , you will question her and doubt her intentions? Most of the times if women reports the case there is victim shaming. Why did you go with him ? Why were you wearing this? Reporting of case there and then becomes a difficult choice as it is between dignity and justice. #MeToo movement given them courage to speak. They get an assurance that they won't be dismissed or subjected to shaming. Plus it is often very difficult to accuse a big name. Once one person opens up other victims also come forward.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Jennifer. This is the dilemma which most of the women face globally and provided that we don't have an active law here, we women are effected the most here.
Delete#meetoo movement according to my perspective is usually begun for empowering the women to encourage them to speakup about their sexual harrasment for making a stand for it but as now a days most of the people like celebrities are using it for their personal fame just to create a drama and are vanishing the main purpose of the #meetoo movement like now people will get numb and are not going to respond on any of our stand against the sexual assault because of some these people who are using it in a wrong way.That #meetoo movement should be for both the genders as mens are also human and they are also the victims of those harrasment.
Deleteaccording to my point of view..#Metoo moment provide justice to the people who had sexually abused by other people at workplace. It is famous in entertainment industries all around the world. Mostly actresses using this moment for the incidents happened to them during shooting. But, now it became controversial because of recently false allegations made by these actresses for fame.
ReplyDeletenot actresses use it mostly, but their say in it makes it more influential. sadly, yes it got controversial
Delete#Metoo is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault.
ReplyDeleteNow that sexual violence is being brought out of the shadows and acknowledged, we must take action. This will require co-ordinated efforts on multiple fronts. We must confront the myths and attitudes that disallow people’s experiences, increase understanding of consent, and create additional support services and options for those affected by sexual violence. We need to believe survivors and provide them with necessary supports that allow them to recover, access justice, and be heard and believed.
There will be detractors who will try to distract from the momentum that is taking place. However, the power of #Me too is evidenced in the confidence people are showing in coming forward and being believed. This belief is holding people accountable and will continue to change how we deal with sexual violence. The status quo will no longer be accepted, and that is a positive move for all who have endured these behaviors for too long.
Kamran Ali
DeleteProfound reply, indeed.
DeleteFor me #Metoo movement is an amazing initiative taken by alot of people and it somehow creates a community where people are aware of what harrasement actually is but on anothet hand you can say that there are alot of people misusing this platform to create illogical scenarios.. Therefore the movement itself is a great platform to share their stories and take it all out but the people who are misusing it should be banned
ReplyDeleteAs it happens out of every moment. indeed.
Delete#Metoo movement in my perspective is a very critical issue and a righteous movement but with its sides of criticisms.We live in the society where females are considered to be low valued when its come to economy.It is the movement which helps them to raise their voice empowering others to open up the eyes on those crimes of males who consider female role only in terms of slaves and beauty and not for who they are.Sexual abuse is a very neglected issue in our society which needs more importance to be given.Though many females use #metoo movement as a source to gain sympathy spotlight.Sexual harrassment is a serious issue and it must be dealt with care so that more people can open up.Moreover, I believe that it should not be only restricted to females, in todays era males also face it. Hence, everyone should support each other.
ReplyDeletein the patriarchal society, females definitely come together for a cause but otherwise you're right. Gender Equality :)
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ReplyDeleteTo illustrate, #Metoo in my point of view is a great initiative being a very righteous act giving an opportunity to an individual to speak up and raise voice confidently about what false actions are happenend with him/her. This hashtag being used in all over the world would make the victim feel that he/she are not only the one who went through things like sexual harrasment and assault, this will ultimately make them think that there are people like them and so this will encourage them to propel and raise their voices just like the many million other victims. On the other hand, yes this movement is very negatively used by mostly actresses for their name and fame beacause of which the main purpose of #metoo movement is being vanished. To be numb and silent won't give any justice ,hence, to conclude, this movement gives opportunity to the people to come up and say, what they were not able to say uptil now. Supporting this movement, i believe that this #metoo platform should be more spread among and shared within the one's who have been victim of actions like harrassment and assault ,but in a way that they get justice without getting any kind of difficulties over them.
ReplyDeleteYou're right Monika. the movement provided platform for others to speak about it knowing they're in it together.
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ReplyDelete#Metoo is a huge moment specially for those who become the target of sexual harassment and assult they have a chance to get that evil person arrested but to show the world that you are sexually abused by a person and making it viral on social media because "social media is not a police" im not talking against it but if it gives you a hope then its up to that person who got abused. Talking about #Metoo moment it is a real deal,a really brilliant step to give right to those who got assaulted/abused/harassed by some evil person and a very trouble for evil abusers/harassmenter's/assaulter's for them to be get arrested and a trip to their new home "jail". i support #Metoo moment.
ReplyDeleteyep. Just a right thing to do (balanced ofc) in a patriarchal society :)
DeleteThis #metoo is all about the bad stuff happening with the women in the society like harassment or any sort of abuse so basically I want to say that this is a good thing that now a days women are raising their voice against the crime but still in some of the countries a number a such situation occurs but no one literally cares and stand for the women right like in my country, Pakistan. So I would appreciate if our government would have a check and balance in these matters.
ReplyDeleteLets hope for the best :)
DeleteAfter reading this #metoo article I would better say I love this, because these days girls are raising their voice for their rights and the non ethical things which are being happened to them. But I must say that the world and our own country people ought have a look towards this issue in Pakistan, because so many ladies faces issues like chemicals ( burning faces), rape, killings and try their level best to solve them as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteHaidar i totally agree with you. rape, acid burns, child marriage, killings etc are grave matters in society we live in. Metoo serves as a platform for them, gives voice to them and with that lets hope some law enforcement comes into action to finally put an end to this unfair dealing against those women.
Delete#metoo movement got globally accepted when people thought it is a platform to tell the story about "someone",And what that "someone" did. Surprisingly this someone is a synonym of a man. Because apparantly #metoo is a platform for girls only. The reason is we think that this platform is for girls only. This statement is true to some extent.But,Man can be harassed and assaulted. However we are reluctant to accept it. If any innocent man's name is put under this hashtag then he would never be able to explain the truth.#metoo totally disregards what actually happen? What was the cause and what could be done. And this is not justified. #metoo is not only for girls this misunderstanding must be vanished away.It also belong to a social change by clearing the sexual difference and making people more exposed to sexual abbuse.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Justice for everyone.
DeleteThe #metoo movement had a great impact on brave people either if its a male or a female, both are the victims of what actually is the aim of this movement to speak up for whatever has happened to them in the past related to sexual abuse or some dark memories that they would really want to forget forever as after this the victims can expose them on a platform of social media that has been the fastest way to communicate the message in a matter of seconds, exposing all those culprits who were involved in the cheap, inhuman act. The culprits could even be boss, teacher, friends many times harassing their so called friends, even sometimes uncles or family close relatives are a part of it and the victims could never speak up anywhere due to how close they are related. Since this movement has helped both girls and boys to expose these heartless people, there has also been a wave of #fake confessions where people use it as a tool for defaming or demeaning others and blackmailing them for their own purposes. It is more of a positive trend helping them, but we should be aware of fake confessions and of people who may use it as a negative aspect, and should really be asked for authentic proofs whenever someone is blamed, only then it could be great platform to expose the culprits whether from, school, family, friends, boss or anywhere.
ReplyDeleteI agree. taking advantage out of some pure cause, ruins the purpose of it.
Delete#meetoo movement according to my perspective is usually begun for empowering the women to encourage them to speakup about their sexual harrasment for making a stand for
ReplyDelete#Metoo moment provide justice to the people who had sexually abused by other people at workplace. It is famous in entertainment industries all around the world.
It is more of a positive trend helping them, but we should be aware of fake confessions and of people who may use it as a negative aspect, and should really be asked for authentic proofs whenever someone is blamed, only then it could be great platform to expose the culprits whether from, school, family, friends, boss or anywhere.
Exactly, and its more prevalent in entertainment partly because of the nature of the work where there's a thin line between work and personal space.
DeleteThe #metoo movement got popular when the feminist approach got popular. What I know about #metoo is that it's a movement widely used as a platform by women. Where they can tell the story about harassment happens with them and assault. Now through this hashtag women can easily accuse the person who harass them sexually. It's kinda telling story about others and I think story telling is not a just way to execute one. Because the listener only understand what is being told not what happened in real. This hash tag is so strong that if your name is under this tag then you would never be able to prove yourself innocent. People might use it to execute the innocents which is not a justified approach. Apart from this before coming to any conclusion we must understand the prospect like what happened in actual. Lastly there is a vast social change seen due to #metoo movement. Women now openly discuss about sexual harassment and assault than before. It has become a common topic now. Moreover it shows a women solidarity no matter if backgrounds are different. A #metoo woman would be more supported by a woman and it's a big social change.
ReplyDelete10/10 in agreement to what you said.
DeleteThe #MeToo movement started in 2006 but came to be heard and acknowledged only in 2017.. The movement was started to give women a platform where they could openly discuss about the harassment they face at the so called male dominant society. the movement is globally very popular and spread like a fire. Everyone started to use the hashtag and supported it. Women found it an easy way to express the things they used to hide long ago because our society couldn't accept however now they are free and open to say who sexually harassed them and it is a big social change. MeToo movement has contributed a lot in this change and not everyone is the supporter of MeToo. This is an exciting moment because women are defining what harassment, violence, and assault mean for them. #MeToo does not resonate with everyone; for many, it is seen as a matter of a privilege that women living under extreme poverty or in war-torn.
ReplyDeleteExactly, the movement will have its far greater impact if women in extreme poverty or extreme depravity are bought to limelight and given help.
DeleteSo far after reading this #metoo writing I can say that these day girls are standing for their rights, espacially asian women which are discourged by their families are making and raising their voice against crime, harrasment, abuse, assault and so on. So this is I think a good change and this ought happen earlier so that we can be safe from many bad things.
ReplyDeleteindeed, its very courageous of these Asian women to stand up for them in a patriarchal society
DeleteI think me too movement is a great platform for women to share and let the world know what they have been gone through how they have to tolerate Inappropriate behavior of some sexist men .Me too movement also teach young girls and kids that misogyny is not ok and they should stand against it . Since the movement got famous many women are sharing their stories I believe which is very appreciable I think it is a 21st century some sexist men need to stop taking advantage of other women the only thing necessary to end this unfortunate trend is not only to teach girls about this but also teach young boys to respect female and that everybody is equal with same rights
ReplyDeletei agree with the fact that you've written some sexist men. ofcourse, not all men are against women empowerment. similarly equal rights for everyone:)
DeleteOn Mee too movement i can say that it's a platform where the voice of girl victim can be heared around the world. Exactl women are speaking out..and we need to stand with them united…and try and put a full stop to harassment of all kind..and women in position need to be more vocal Mee too gives opportunity to women to speak up publicly. It will stop several silent harrasement. Women were taught to retreat to silence tone policed into submission. Shame is weaponised, to discipline and punish, often by other women. MeeToo movement gives the courage to women which is absolute right of women.
ReplyDeleteexactly. lets hope for the best.
Deleteok so first off the article is well written completely neutral unlike most of the articles about the topic on the internet
ReplyDeleteso my views about #metoo are that it should be known that it shouldn't be dedicated to only one gender because most of the tweets are from women
perhaps men(who could have suffered when they were young) believe that they'll will be made fun of or anything, granted women suffer
it more. about the stars i'm not saying that i'm completely true but some of them seem that the person is trying to be revelant by being in the limelight.
this can be solved by teaching our children about sexual harassment rather than being afraid that'll it will take the child's innocence. mostly the people that use #metoo
are either famous or from a posh areas whereas we know all too well that abusing and raping is done normally in rural areas, educating the women of rural areas should be our
top priority and child marriages play a great role in this. we should be teaching the women and children of rural areas that abusing is a thing and you should be able to talk
openly rather than being afraid of your husband beating you more. ofcourse this will be hard as after all this they have to return to their husbands but they should be known
that strict and legal actions will be taken against you if you've been reported of doing the same. Government should be active for whole #metoo movement
about finding the proofs and then treating the abusers by the law in a way that the next person will think twice before harassing any men/women.
very profound and well stated opinion Mubashir. I agree with you. let's see if we ever have the law here and the relevant security enforcement against injustices in the society for men/women/children/animals etc
DeleteI think #Metoo mevement is a good plate form to rise the voice of female who become the victom of the harasment . Through this people realize that the females of the socity are becoming the target of harastment and these cases are increasing . But this is not the only solution if those people are not punished who are invole in it i think #Metoo movement is not effective . Awareness is nit the inly solution , punishments are nessecary .
ReplyDeleteSocial Control all the way. agreed.
DeleteIn my opinion #metoo movement is not a gender biased movement. It is a movement for all those who have been a victim of sexual harassment or abuse. It can be male or female but, our society is male dominant and usually the victim is a female so it became more of a women empowering hashtag. As the increasing rate of rape and harassment there is a need to raise voice. This platform encourages a person to express their heartbreaking story to the world.
ReplyDeleteI support #metoo movement and all those who showed bravery in expressing their feelings.
Exactly, in patriarchal society it is.
DeleteI am not a supporter of #metoo movement because the hashtag was originated to be used by real victims of sexual harassment to express their real struggles they have been through because of the abuse. Now this platform is being used for all wrong means there are women who are using this platform for their personal means and to get sympathy votes by audience.
ReplyDeleteIn my perspective this movement is just damaging people's life because of all wrong allegations being made.
exactly. no supervision here.
DeleteI have been following this #metoo movement from the start. I have noticed people's point of view changing as the movement evolved. At the very beginning this movement was all about innocent victims and their heart breaking stories of harassment. Afterwards, it became a personal war under the hashtag people using it for their personal issues.
ReplyDeleteThis led me to unfollow this movement as i was disheartened by this wrong use of powerful hashtag by people.
This #metoo movement in my point of view gave a platform for those victims who weren't able to raise their voices. This gave them strength to speak up about their sexual abuse and harassment. This hashtag was mainly used by women across the world. The one thing I felt wrong about this movement was women using this strong platform and such critical issue for their personal issues.
ReplyDeleteI support those who were a real victim of harassment and came out and spoke about it showing bravery, but i am not in a support of people using this platform for wrong means.
since the movement was made to speak about issues which were considered to be too personal otherwise, and women were dealing the unjust behavior from opposite gender. yes i know you support the victims but didn't get your personal issues point. Anyways, Thank you for reading out and giving your opinion over it :)
Delete#Metoo is a movement against sexual assault and harrassment, which came into light after American actress ' Alyssa Milano' shared her story on 2017 against Harvey Weinstein on sexual abuse. Metoo helped many women to get justice , and helped many more women to come out from the darkness and speak the truth but later it was used for personal grudge , many innocent men got involved in this controversy . Many people lost interest, trust in metoo due to the use of personal grudge ,real victims aren't getting any justice because of these incidents but metoo is a great moment , it made many women to come forward and speak about their horrible nightmares by not getting judged
ReplyDeleteAgreed totally.
Delete[5/11, 2:09 AM] Toobaayyy: The Me Too movement (or #MeToo movement), with a large variety of local and international alternative names, is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault.
ReplyDelete[5/11, 2:10 AM] Toobaayyy: The major challenge is to encourage women to come out and share their experiences of sexual harassment. I firmly believe that all the women who are victims of sexual harassment must raise their voice. A woman must complain about such incidents, immediately at the time of its occurrence. And if she feels that her complaint is not being registered or is not being fairly addressed, she should resort to other available alternatives like calling out the harasser on social media platforms.
Also, platforms like Youth Ki Awaaz also provide a good space for such victims to share their experiences and reach out to the masses. This will help the victim is gathering enough support which will eventually force the authorities to act fairly and quickly.
[5/11, 2:10 AM] Toobaayyy: Another challenge is about a few individuals who are VIPs and hold powerful and important portfolios. For them to be punished, a massive campaign will be needed. Media will be required to play a critical role in this. It will not be easy, but as India is a democracy, no government can ignore the citizen’s demands for a long time. And gradually, the law will take its course.
#MeToo is a very significant campaign. It’s all about spreading awareness and giving women the strength, to raise their voice. I sincerely hope that all the wrongdoers will be duly punished.
Lastly, I must say — Stay strong women! The entire country stands by you.
Delete#Metoo is basically a moment which encourages women to take their voice up in public it encourges depressed women to get revenge from the rapers/harassers. #metoo moment is helping many women to share their stories and alert other women that how to prevent from those rappers and harasers.
ReplyDeleteMa'am shivam kumar
ReplyDelete#Metoo is a huge moment specially for those who become the target of sexual harassment and assult. they have a chance to get that evil person arrested but to show the world that you are sexually abused by a person and making it viral on social media because "social media is not a police" im not talking against it but if it gives you a hope then its up to that person who got abused. Talking about #Metoo moment it is a real deal,a really brilliant step to give right to those who got assaulted/abused/harassed by some evil person and a very trouble for evil
ReplyDeleteActually i support this movement because it gives rights to women to empower their selves.
Shoaib here^
Delete#metoo movement got globally accepted when people thought it is a platform to tell the story about "someone",And what that "someone" did. Surprisingly this someone is a synonym of a man. Because apparantly #metoo is a platform for girls only.It will stop several silent harrasement. Women were taught to retreat to silence tone policed into submission. Shame is weaponised, to discipline and punish, often by other women. MeeToo movement gives the courage to women which is absolute right of women. 43062 muzzamil hussain